Mes: abril 2019

Halterofilia 22/04/2019

DOS TIEMPOS 70% x 3 / 75% x 2 / 80% x 1 / 85% x 1 / 90% x 1 JERK (Rack) 70% x 3 / 75% x 2 / 80% x 1 / 85% x 1 PESO MUERTO CARGADA (Con encogimiento) 100% x 5 x 2 / 105% x 3 x 2 SENTADILLA

EDD 22/04/2019

WARM-UP: 3 Rondas (T.cap 8´) 5 Romanian Deadlift 5 Hang Power Clean 10 OH Walking Lunges (barbell) 10 Box jump STRENGTH: 24 Set x 30″ (in 12´) 3 THRUSTER 70%RM *Acabar con el mismo peso de la pasada semana. WOD: 4 Rondas (T.cap 20´) 30 Double unders 5 Shoulder to Overhead 60/40 10 Back lunges

EDD 20/04/2019

WARM UP: 3 Rondas 3-6-9 Burpees 21-15-9 Russian KB swing 10 Sumo deadlift High Pull / 10 H.P.Clean / 10 Push Press STRENGTH COMPLEX: 20 Set x 30″ (10´) 1 Snatch 2 Overhead Squat *60% RM Snatch   WOD A: (9’CAP) For time: 50 Kb sdhp (24/16) 40 Kb swing (24/16) 30 Hang power clean

EDD 19/04/2019

WARM-UP: 400 Run —-2 Rondas— 10 Step Box jump / 10 Box jump 10 Wall ball shot 10m Burpee Broad Jump STRENGTH COMPLEX: 4 Set x 3´ 1 Hang Power Clean (high) 1 Power Clean (low) 10 Front Squat *Complex RM front Squat 50%-55%-60%-60% WOD: 5 Rondas (for time) 12 Toes to bar 2 Rope